After years and years of struggling to get pregnant, when I was with my ex-husband, I found out I had PCOS. I am forever grateful to the doctor from the Tule River Reservation. I went into action and did mounds of research.
When DH and I tried getting pregnant, I had to go back for more research because we were unsuccessful for so long. Saw a hematologist nearly a year later to make sure it was safe for me to be on hormones or if I would clot, a fear that had been with me since my mother died from two blood clots.
After repeating tests because things came back abnormal, it turned out it was ok to go on hormones, but there were abnormalities in my blood. Something to consider.
So it was nearly a year later when we were finally pregnant with William. No hormones! I went bak to the first book I ever bought on PCOS and started taking control of my body, not the other way around.
It is considered a huge possibility, from the literature I've read, that PCOS is basically knocked out when you get pregnant. I had only one working ovary, making pregnancy difficult, that was surrounded by polycysts…as if getting pregnant the old fashion way wasn't hard enough already.
Having kids has always been a lifelong dream of mine. When I was told it was going to be nearly impossible, at the time I was married to my ex, I was in tears. Total breakdown. You might as well have yanked it all out because it wasn't doing me any good.
I changed my life when I went through my divorce. My ex made sure to know it was all my fault we couldn't have kids, even though we had him tested and the test came back slow swimmers, it was all my fault. I dropped the baggage. Moved on and found a better life.
Been with my wonderful husband almost seven years now, four of those we've been married. When we started talking children, he already knew my problems and said if trying didn't work out and hormones didn't work, we could always adopt.
I am very grateful to him. He never gave up hope and was there for nearly every appt.
When we did start charting and trying to conceive, a year had passed. Went and saw a doctor who referred me to a hematologist to give the ok for hormones. Still ha to wait another year under a doctors supervision to make sure hormones would be the next step.
I finally gave up. I focused on school. DH wasn't upset and we both agreed perhaps waiting until I graduated was best. I was working at the same time, both involved lots of walking. I was losing weight, was happy, my cycles were regular and I was doing great in school.
The spring semester was halfway through and I had been feeling really rotten. Wouldn't you know losing all that weight would come at a price. I was hurting really bad and was certain I had a UTI, or worse it was bladder cancer (runs on my paternal side, just the women).
So they run tests, asked if I could be pregnant. I explained to them I couldn't get pregnant because of my struggle with PCOS and what I ha been told in the past, but that bladder cancer ran in my family an that I was susceptible to UTIs. So he ordered a urine culture.
"Good news. You are pregnant."
The doctor was smiling, just knowing that somehow it was the right thing to do.
My mouth dropped. I was speechless and looked at my husband. I really didn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry, but that's impossible. Urine tests have come back false positive for me before. I really want a blood test done."
His smile faded slightly, but he was still happy knowing he was right.
"Radiology is coming to get you for an ultrasound in a moment."
He left. DH was shocked but beaming. I was still speechless. I wanted a blood test to confirm what my urine always tells me is false.
I cried when I saw that little blimp on the screen. The radiologist told me what she was allowed to tell me, printed some papers and put them in my file. I was beyond words. I WAS PREGNANT!!!
Back in the room the doctor told me how far I was, gave me a date and gave his congratulations. I apologized for earlier and thanked him profusely. I WAS PREGNANT!!!
PCOS be damned I WAS PREGNANT!!! And wouldn't you know breastfeeding is hard for women with PCOS. I struggled in the beginning, but we prevailed. I now have two boys and am successfully breastfeeding!
Truly, PCOS is a struggle. Get checked. See a specialist, find out your options. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!
Not everyone's story is a success. I've know a few women who either gave up because of PCOS or struggled for so long, even under medical supervision they just couldn't handle the emotions anymore. It's tough. Ask DH. One minute I'm fine, the next I was so manic he couldn't tell you what was wrong with me. I couldn't even, the hormones from PCOS were that controlling. Get checked. And know, that PCOS, as I've heard it put this way, isn't just the fat girl syndrome. Skinny girls also get PCOS. Get checked!
This blog was sparked from a blog I read on TFB's blog: