I am debating posting this, as I'm not sure how people will feel. Do you let the entire world know that you're a failure at being a mom, is this one of those times "it's happened to everyone. It'll be ok," or is it something every mom must go through, as her own type of milestone or right-of-passage? After reading what happened, when you see me you'll probably want to slap me. Milestone? Right-of-passage? Sure, and throw me into jail and lose the keys while you're at it.
There are some mistakes, accidents, incidents that can be accepted as human error. This, perhaps and in my opinion, is not one that can be. I have always been a firm believer in if you can't pay attention to what your child is doing than maybe you don't deserve to be a parent.
My father was a neat freak; Mr. Clean if you will. 30 years as a Marine and two of those as a Drill Instructor will do that to you. So why do I find it so hard to channel him, especially when it comes to the safety of my own son, my one and only child at this point?
Not too far apart, my brother and I had swallowed something, but I believe we both managed to spit it up. We were older toddlers at the time, I believe, as we were in Okinawa when it happened. One of us had an incident with a key ring and the other a quarter. So am I doomed to make the mistakes of my parents? Their examples are what we all learn from, everyones own parents respectively.
I hate to even say what I was doing, but maybe someone will learn from my mistake, and I'm sure others have done the same but I don't know of any.
I was playing on my phone, as usual. I am in the same room with my son, calling him, seeing what he is doing as he makes his way around the high chair, out of eyesight. For the past hour or two, I'm constantly taking paper out of his mouth. I just cleaned, but he found some paper somewhere.
This should have been my first clue to put down my phone and just take him to bed. It was already late. Do I? Of course not. Why would I do the most logical action? After I put him on his horse a couple of times I resume playing on my phone. There isn't anything else he could possibly put in his mouth, is there?
I hear him choking, I call to him and I look up. He is so red from coughing. I do what I have always done when he starts choking: I kneel down, his legs are on either side of one arm, that hand is holding his shoulder while the other hand is smacking his upper back. I roll him into my other arm and stick my finger into his mouth. NOTHING!!! he's still choking, turning a deep shade of red, purple then blue. I roll him back over and start smacking at his back again. Mommy-mode is gone. Lifeguard-mode is currently responding.
He starts to spit up, good, but he's still turning blue. I check his throat again. STILL NOTHING!!! I smack him again. He starts to spit up more this time. I continue to smack his back as he spits up. Surely whatever it is will come up with everything else. He stops, looks at me as I check him, coughs twice and is fine. My phone was in my hand, ready to call 911, but I was just as ready to run to our local fire-station less than a quarter of a mile from us. He was fine. No crying, just stunned a little.
I called my husband and told him to come home immediately. It's layout night, he's at the office until 4 am. I looked on the floor for what made baby boy nearly choke to death. I don't see anything. My husband pulls up and baby boy is thrilled to see him. I check the floor and finally see the culprit. A PENNY!
I just swept up last night, maybe it was the night before. I straightened everything and made the place look good. There was no money on the floor. With the exception of the straws baby boy spilled and the tissue paper he pulled from a Christmas bag, my floor was spotless. So where did the penny come from?
Hubby stripped him and baby boy and I took a bath; we were both covered. Shock and shame finally hit me. How could I let this happen? How does a mother, new or not, allow her baby to be put in such a situation? Hubby had to calm me down.
Am I unfit at this point or is this one of those things we all learn from? We're all human, but should we be allowed to make such mistakes? It's already been planned for the tree to come down tomorrow. Hubby and I will be cleaning and making this place look like it should be in a magazine. Well, almost that good. We do have a baby that loves to create chaos.
I have to thank the American Red Cross for training me to be a lifeguard and Girl-scouts Heart of the South for paying for my training. Also to Nurse Manning, who I was thinking about as everything was happening. She is the instructor for the "new parents" classes at BMHGT. All I could picture in my mind at that moment is the CPR infant on our table and her instructions on how to smack and check. Lifeguard-mode may have been there, but Nurse Manning was all I could manifest at that point.
I won't say this was a human error. I wish this never happened. I posted this, not to say anything about my parenting as this is the first time he has ever made the attempt at swallowing change. There are no excuses for what happened and I don't intend to make any. I only hope that in my posting about this situation others will learn from my mistake. I won't hover over my son. I'm scared to death, just as any parent is, to losing my son. I know now that after cleaning I still need to get into baby-mode and make sure there isn't anything I may have missed. Baby boy is our little miracle baby.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
American Baby Magazine Holiday Hitch
So if you follow me, or you don't follow me but read my blog, or you follow me on facebook, or maybe even twitter, you know how much I advocate about breastfeeeding. I am probably not far from being a breastfeeding extremist. I asked a woman one day if she breastfeeds her 3 month old. I just met this woman, and though I was composed about her response, I secretly had a little dialogue going on in my head, with her mind you, how I was trying to get her to reverse everything and go back to breastfeeding. Like I said, I am short of being a breastfeeding extremist. And I am proud of this fact. I can compose myself and talk very eloquently about how important it is to breastfeed and listen to all arguments, in front of others at least. Online, the gloves come off and I am ready to win a war!
Anyway, I received my new American Baby magazine for this month. Though I am not very happy with Parents Magazine, and now American Baby, I have indeed enjoyed their information on products and ways bathe your baby, or how to get them to interact to increase certain cognitive skills or whatever else may be helpful, outside of breastfeeding. So when I turned to page 72 of my November 2010 issue, I saw an article titled It's time to nurse. Again with an orange circle above it in white lettering saying Holiday Hitch. Ok, so my first thoughts were "well not everyone wants to see boob," followed by "they must mean church-goers who are out at their two-hour-long, sometimes even longer, Christmas program and the mom doesn't want to miss her other child(ren)'s big debut as whatever character in the churches production of the Nativity, but the baby is crying because they're hungry" or something along those lines.
Due to our own culture, women are left feeling shy, disrespectful or even immodest for feeding their baby publicly without some sort of cover. Now granted, for those that do feel this way, companies have been making loads from women who want to cover but still look stylish while doing it. I am trying to see this from a perspective outside of my own upbringing, but my own upbringing says, "the mother should have been prepared, and if she is out somewhere publicly than she should have brought something to cover herself with if she feels that uncomfortable about it and will just have to leave wherever she is and find a more private area." On the other-hand, my extremist side says, "there is nothing disrespectful, immodest or sexual about what you're doing. Feed your child whether you have a cover or not. If you hear several sharp intakes of breath, well they are obviously looking too hard at you and not paying attention to what is really going on." Now I'm all for covers. I wear a cover most of the time when I'm in public. If I don't have one, oh well. If you really want to stare that hard you can do it through the two black eyes my husband will be happy to give you, as we are usually together.
So, back to this article. I am very upset about it, and really, I shouldn't be so surprised about it coming from a magazine that advertises a lot of formula and not very much about breastfeeding. Going through the magazine, there is a mention of a benefit of breastfeeding and type 2 diabetes on the same page with a small section about sun subs, both are unrelated to each other. Another page shows a baby holding a large bottle, one of those the milk man drops off (do these guys still have a job), with an article talking about how you should get organic instead of regular cows milk. Oh, and there's a little mention to the other side of the baby saying "You can introduce cows milk once your tot is 12 months." Turn a few more pages and there's a full page ad for enfamil. A FULL PAGE AD!!! Yet a mention of the benefit of breastfeeding gets a small 2x3 (I'm guestamting here, not going to pull out my ruler) section. Turn a couple more pages, there's a full page, 5-step how-to on formula. Here's their "Safety First" guidelines:
Finally, we get to the article that has me upset.
I suppose though, I shouldn't expect much from a magazine that advertises mostly on formula. This is just about enough to keep me from renewing my subscription. This really angers me.
Anyway, I received my new American Baby magazine for this month. Though I am not very happy with Parents Magazine, and now American Baby, I have indeed enjoyed their information on products and ways bathe your baby, or how to get them to interact to increase certain cognitive skills or whatever else may be helpful, outside of breastfeeding. So when I turned to page 72 of my November 2010 issue, I saw an article titled It's time to nurse. Again with an orange circle above it in white lettering saying Holiday Hitch. Ok, so my first thoughts were "well not everyone wants to see boob," followed by "they must mean church-goers who are out at their two-hour-long, sometimes even longer, Christmas program and the mom doesn't want to miss her other child(ren)'s big debut as whatever character in the churches production of the Nativity, but the baby is crying because they're hungry" or something along those lines.
Due to our own culture, women are left feeling shy, disrespectful or even immodest for feeding their baby publicly without some sort of cover. Now granted, for those that do feel this way, companies have been making loads from women who want to cover but still look stylish while doing it. I am trying to see this from a perspective outside of my own upbringing, but my own upbringing says, "the mother should have been prepared, and if she is out somewhere publicly than she should have brought something to cover herself with if she feels that uncomfortable about it and will just have to leave wherever she is and find a more private area." On the other-hand, my extremist side says, "there is nothing disrespectful, immodest or sexual about what you're doing. Feed your child whether you have a cover or not. If you hear several sharp intakes of breath, well they are obviously looking too hard at you and not paying attention to what is really going on." Now I'm all for covers. I wear a cover most of the time when I'm in public. If I don't have one, oh well. If you really want to stare that hard you can do it through the two black eyes my husband will be happy to give you, as we are usually together.
So, back to this article. I am very upset about it, and really, I shouldn't be so surprised about it coming from a magazine that advertises a lot of formula and not very much about breastfeeding. Going through the magazine, there is a mention of a benefit of breastfeeding and type 2 diabetes on the same page with a small section about sun subs, both are unrelated to each other. Another page shows a baby holding a large bottle, one of those the milk man drops off (do these guys still have a job), with an article talking about how you should get organic instead of regular cows milk. Oh, and there's a little mention to the other side of the baby saying "You can introduce cows milk once your tot is 12 months." Turn a few more pages and there's a full page ad for enfamil. A FULL PAGE AD!!! Yet a mention of the benefit of breastfeeding gets a small 2x3 (I'm guestamting here, not going to pull out my ruler) section. Turn a couple more pages, there's a full page, 5-step how-to on formula. Here's their "Safety First" guidelines:
- To avoid getting dust or dirt in formula, wipe the top of the container with a damp paper towel before opening (something you do not need to really worry about if you're breastfeeding, unless of course you were playing or have a job where you did get dirty, than I suggest either taking a shower or cleaning your breasts and then feed your child)
- Don't use mineral water to prepare formula. It has high levels of salt and minerals that can harm your baby's kidneys (Something that can harm your baby...hmmm...and this is allowed as opposed to the breastmilk that is filled with all the right nutrients and antibodies, not to mention the most safest liquid a child can drink that will nourish them and help them grow without the fear of disease or infection, dependent upon your own health)
- Microwaving formula produces hot spots that can burn your baby's mouth. Never nuke! (Hmmm...breastmilk is already at the proper temperature, but if you are using a bag of frozen breastmilk, thaw it under some warm water and test the temperature before pouring into a bottle)
- Toss any formula remaining in the bottle after feeding. It contains bacteria from baby's mouth and can make him sick (You won't have this problem with breastfeeding, and as far as bottle-feeding your pumped milk I'm not sure as I've rarely done it)
Finally, we get to the article that has me upset.
At home you may happily breastfeed au naturel, but during holiday visits a blanket will help you avoid unwanted comments and Aunt Margaret's raised eyebrows. "Bring a couple of elegant pashminas to up with," says Leslie Tucker, of Leesburg, Virginia. Lilliam Kim used to feel lonely when her hungry 2-month-old kept the two of them confined to the bedroom for feedings. Then she found a way to avoid feeling left out of the fun: "When I had to nurse I'd grab a relative to join me," she says. "I had a lot of significant conversations, which don't always happen at the dinner table, where everyone's grabbing at once."So yes, this is good sound advice, but what if this is your home people are coming into or if you do not or cannot use a cover maybe because your baby doesn't like to use a cover. Where is the information in the article that should tell a breastfeeding mother how she can say something to her family that her baby doesn't want to be covered or that she doesn't want to miss out on the great time they will all have if they banish her to another room to feed her baby. How about telling a breastfeeding mom how she can turn a chair and breastfeed her baby without anyone seeing anything, or that there are nursing tops that helps keep showing your breast to a minimal.
I suppose though, I shouldn't expect much from a magazine that advertises mostly on formula. This is just about enough to keep me from renewing my subscription. This really angers me.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My opinion on Playtex® Drop-Ins® bottles
So I wanted to point something out. I find this very interesting how companies that are all about babies will exploit every angle they can in order to get you to buy their product. Take Playtex® for example. Their Drop-Ins® bottles are being marketed as the next best thing to the breast. Granted, William has been on a bottle a couple times a day when I'm gone, but I know what he's getting. I have pumped milk, I give him freshly squeezed juice and on occasion he'll get water.
Now I would really love to give him a bottle that promises: Clinically shown to mimic breastfeeding; Liner collapses like the breast for an air-free feeding; Nipple promotes latch-on like the breast; Clinically proven to reduce gas, colic, and spit-up. It is implied, I suppose in all their jargon, that you will use this bottle with pumped milk.
Now, we have all seen this on cans of formula. Formula companies say they have the next best thing to breastmilk for those who can't or won't breastfeed, including their promise that their product has been proven to reduce gas, colic, and spit-up. Sound familiar? It pains me that companies will do this. And especially to formula-fed families. Formula hurts a baby's tummy anyway and they will have all these problems regardless. Funny how they won't post this information, but they'll state how they're product will make your baby feel so good.
Now I would really love to give him a bottle that promises: Clinically shown to mimic breastfeeding; Liner collapses like the breast for an air-free feeding; Nipple promotes latch-on like the breast; Clinically proven to reduce gas, colic, and spit-up. It is implied, I suppose in all their jargon, that you will use this bottle with pumped milk.
Now, we have all seen this on cans of formula. Formula companies say they have the next best thing to breastmilk for those who can't or won't breastfeed, including their promise that their product has been proven to reduce gas, colic, and spit-up. Sound familiar? It pains me that companies will do this. And especially to formula-fed families. Formula hurts a baby's tummy anyway and they will have all these problems regardless. Funny how they won't post this information, but they'll state how they're product will make your baby feel so good.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Let's talk low milk supply
I want to talk about this a little bit. This has been a question going around with a few of us twitter moms trying to answer. I've mostly been lurking reading some of the answers as I am a first time mom that hasn't had this problem, but had I given up in the beginning, I suspect it would have been a problem. All breastfeeding moms know that feeling when they are lactating, you can feel your nipple to begin to tingle and eventually a drip starts, or in some cases a stream and in some more cases you just spray. I almost feels embarrassing, and did I ever feel embarrassed, but I grew comfortable to this because I knew my supply finally came in.
So do you feel the colostrum as your baby is suckling? This has been a question that has plagued me for the longest. I’ve wondered if I ever did have any or did the continues suckling contribute to only encourage my milk supply to come in?
Everything is so scary when you are a new mom, and I know I had so many questions running through my mind and I'm sure the doctors were aggravated, but they were happy to answer, if only it would get me to shut up. Only a few days old, I had a load of new questions, one of them being what was going on in my baby's diaper? There were orange crystals in his diaper, which I thought was blood. I quickly called my mother-in-law, woke her up and asked her frantically what was wrong. She laughed and said it was normal, but it probably wouldn't hurt to take my son to the pediatrician. So I made a sick baby appointment that very next morning.
I was devastated by what the doctor told me. "The crystals mean your son is dehydrated." I was so ashamed. How could I let this happen to my son? I am his mother. I gave birth to him, I've been feeding him, what's going on? At this point, I thought I was breastfeeding fine, although I had no education in the subject whatsoever, I thought I was doing my job: putting my son to my breast and letting him do all of the work. So what was going on?
"Your milk supply hasn't fully come in yet and it's possible he isn't getting enough." The words every first time mom dreads to hear. I wasn't sure about breastfeeding up to this point, but I am a very competitive person and someone telling me I'm not giving enough is like a challenge. I'm not going to stop because my body is having issues. I will fix the problem!
"For the next week or until you feel you have your supply, and you'll know it when it happens (and boy did I know it), you need to give your son one ounce of formula every two hours than attach him to your breast so he can help manipulate your supply." I was in tears. I thought by being a nursing mother this meant no formula, though up to that point I really thought formula would be okay. We went home and started the process of supplementing. That was the hardest week we had ever lived through. Both my husband and I really wanted to sleep, but we also had this baby that needed our help.
After that week my supply had come in and I was grateful for not having to deal with nipple confusion. I don't know if it's because of the nipples we used or the continuous work of going straight to each breast for 15 minutes after the bottle helped. We were glad to be done with the formula though, it was causing our son to have a lot of gastro issues, which turns out is all babies. Formula is so thick and not easily digestible.
Have you ever been in a situation like mine? Has yours ever been worse? Did you have a support team or were you on your own?
I will tell you the story of someone I know. We were friends for only a short time, but her story is what encouraged me to really push breastfeeding, get the info out there and encourage having that support group. She was a first time mom and had a live in boyfriend, who of course was the father. They didn't have the support they expected, but they did get by with what information they found. They went through the typical first time parent classes, read the books and whatever literature they found to help them through the pregnancy and beyond. After only a few minor complications they gave birth to a beautiful little boy. Everything was fine as far as they knew, but being first time parents means you may not always have a clue about what's happening; especially without a support group to tell you what each little cry means.
It was hard for her in the beginning, but she made it through, until one day when they noticed he wasn't crying like most newborns do. Everything seemed a little off at that point. Her son seemed very lethargic, she couldn't even wake him up. They rushed him to the childrens hospital in Birmingham, the hospital where I'm pretty sure even Mississippi children go to, depending on the circumstances, but don't quote me on that. That is only something I have heard time and again. The baby survived almost another week, but the damage had been done.
She had felt a failure, feeling it was all her fault, feeling that she should have noticed something was wrong long before it had become that bad. When they told me what happened I wasn't sure what to say. How does a baby die of dehydration when we are created in a way to sustain life? She fell into a deep depression afterwards, believing her son's death was all her fault.
Now I don't know what all the circumstances were that led to his death, but after explaining to the pediatricians what had happened and my fear that the same would happen to my son since he was a little dehydrated, I wanted to know how it would end, but it became very clear to me when I remembered the last two weeks of my father's life before he passed away.
"The kidney's are the first to go." It rang through my head, echoing. I remember my father's oncologist explaining to me what was happening. "He is dehydrated and his kidneys are not where they should be because of the cancer. They have hit their end stage."
When the pediatrician explained to me how a baby's body relies on the proper nutrition of breastmilk or formula, it dawned on me. That's how it happened. She didn't really know how much a baby should eat in a day, or how many wet diapers she should have in a day. She didn't have anyone there to tell her what was going on.
This is why I push having a proper support group, surrounding yourself with people who have experienced it all, or most of it, or even becoming educated in everything there is to know. Now that last part may be a bit much, but I think you understand what I mean. My hope is, that even if you struggled the first time, I encourage you to try. Search for a lactation consultant, talk to a doctor and see if medication is needed to increase your supply. Get in touch with a La Leche League leader and surround yourself with women who can help, who understand and can help you through the process.
I'm not sure what else to really say here, and I hope that I have helped people realize how important it is to not be alone when it comes to new adventures in your life, especially when it comes to a new life.
Some links to keep in mind when dealing with low milk supply:
So do you feel the colostrum as your baby is suckling? This has been a question that has plagued me for the longest. I’ve wondered if I ever did have any or did the continues suckling contribute to only encourage my milk supply to come in?
Everything is so scary when you are a new mom, and I know I had so many questions running through my mind and I'm sure the doctors were aggravated, but they were happy to answer, if only it would get me to shut up. Only a few days old, I had a load of new questions, one of them being what was going on in my baby's diaper? There were orange crystals in his diaper, which I thought was blood. I quickly called my mother-in-law, woke her up and asked her frantically what was wrong. She laughed and said it was normal, but it probably wouldn't hurt to take my son to the pediatrician. So I made a sick baby appointment that very next morning.
I was devastated by what the doctor told me. "The crystals mean your son is dehydrated." I was so ashamed. How could I let this happen to my son? I am his mother. I gave birth to him, I've been feeding him, what's going on? At this point, I thought I was breastfeeding fine, although I had no education in the subject whatsoever, I thought I was doing my job: putting my son to my breast and letting him do all of the work. So what was going on?
"Your milk supply hasn't fully come in yet and it's possible he isn't getting enough." The words every first time mom dreads to hear. I wasn't sure about breastfeeding up to this point, but I am a very competitive person and someone telling me I'm not giving enough is like a challenge. I'm not going to stop because my body is having issues. I will fix the problem!
"For the next week or until you feel you have your supply, and you'll know it when it happens (and boy did I know it), you need to give your son one ounce of formula every two hours than attach him to your breast so he can help manipulate your supply." I was in tears. I thought by being a nursing mother this meant no formula, though up to that point I really thought formula would be okay. We went home and started the process of supplementing. That was the hardest week we had ever lived through. Both my husband and I really wanted to sleep, but we also had this baby that needed our help.
After that week my supply had come in and I was grateful for not having to deal with nipple confusion. I don't know if it's because of the nipples we used or the continuous work of going straight to each breast for 15 minutes after the bottle helped. We were glad to be done with the formula though, it was causing our son to have a lot of gastro issues, which turns out is all babies. Formula is so thick and not easily digestible.
Have you ever been in a situation like mine? Has yours ever been worse? Did you have a support team or were you on your own?
I will tell you the story of someone I know. We were friends for only a short time, but her story is what encouraged me to really push breastfeeding, get the info out there and encourage having that support group. She was a first time mom and had a live in boyfriend, who of course was the father. They didn't have the support they expected, but they did get by with what information they found. They went through the typical first time parent classes, read the books and whatever literature they found to help them through the pregnancy and beyond. After only a few minor complications they gave birth to a beautiful little boy. Everything was fine as far as they knew, but being first time parents means you may not always have a clue about what's happening; especially without a support group to tell you what each little cry means.
It was hard for her in the beginning, but she made it through, until one day when they noticed he wasn't crying like most newborns do. Everything seemed a little off at that point. Her son seemed very lethargic, she couldn't even wake him up. They rushed him to the childrens hospital in Birmingham, the hospital where I'm pretty sure even Mississippi children go to, depending on the circumstances, but don't quote me on that. That is only something I have heard time and again. The baby survived almost another week, but the damage had been done.
She had felt a failure, feeling it was all her fault, feeling that she should have noticed something was wrong long before it had become that bad. When they told me what happened I wasn't sure what to say. How does a baby die of dehydration when we are created in a way to sustain life? She fell into a deep depression afterwards, believing her son's death was all her fault.
Now I don't know what all the circumstances were that led to his death, but after explaining to the pediatricians what had happened and my fear that the same would happen to my son since he was a little dehydrated, I wanted to know how it would end, but it became very clear to me when I remembered the last two weeks of my father's life before he passed away.
"The kidney's are the first to go." It rang through my head, echoing. I remember my father's oncologist explaining to me what was happening. "He is dehydrated and his kidneys are not where they should be because of the cancer. They have hit their end stage."
When the pediatrician explained to me how a baby's body relies on the proper nutrition of breastmilk or formula, it dawned on me. That's how it happened. She didn't really know how much a baby should eat in a day, or how many wet diapers she should have in a day. She didn't have anyone there to tell her what was going on.
This is why I push having a proper support group, surrounding yourself with people who have experienced it all, or most of it, or even becoming educated in everything there is to know. Now that last part may be a bit much, but I think you understand what I mean. My hope is, that even if you struggled the first time, I encourage you to try. Search for a lactation consultant, talk to a doctor and see if medication is needed to increase your supply. Get in touch with a La Leche League leader and surround yourself with women who can help, who understand and can help you through the process.
I'm not sure what else to really say here, and I hope that I have helped people realize how important it is to not be alone when it comes to new adventures in your life, especially when it comes to a new life.
Some links to keep in mind when dealing with low milk supply:
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Breastfeeding is creepy...are you serious...
I tried to find the full article, but either it's been taken down or you can only view it in the UK Mother & Baby magazine. I, as many mothers are, am completely outraged by an article written by a senior editor for this magazine. Since I can't find the article, I will put the link to the full article from the guardian and my personal opinions after it:
I get it, everyone is entitle to their opinion, but when you are the deputy director of a parents magazine, you have to keep some of your opinions to yourself, unlike Kathryn Blundell. Not only has she upset breastfeeding mothers, but even mothers who formula feed feel upset by what she has said.
First of all, breastfeeding is not "creepy" by any means. It is the way mothers choose to feed their babies, some try it for a little while and others will nurse until their nursling self-weens. Breastfeeding and giving baby pumped milk immediately after a mother is finished pumping is the only way for a baby to get all the proper nutrients and the antibodies they need in order to thrive and have an easier time fighting off practically any illness. Breastfed babies have less stomach upsets, ear infections and can digest breastmilk easier than formula.
Second, "I wanted my body back. (And some wine)… I also wanted to give my boobs at least a chance to stay on my chest rather than dangling around my stomach." For those who don't know, when you breastfeed, you can easily return to your pre-pregnancy weight. According to Nutrition Data I burn 3240.0 kcal/day from my daily routine, including breastfeeding. If I weren't breastfeeding, I would only burn 2840 kcal/day with my current lifestyle. By the way, my current lifestyle includes walking 30-60 minutes at least three time a week, using my WiiFit three times a week doing mostly yoga and housework. And about the comment she makes about her boobs, well that is just ridiculous. Pregnancy, poor posture and a bad bra. When you're pregnant, your ligaments and tendons relax and loosen to the point that your boobs will sag on their own.
According to Brian Rinker, MD, an assistant professor of plastic surgery at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, in Lexington, he heard so many patients blame sagging breasts on breastfeeding that, to see if there really is a connection, he surveyed 132 moms who had sought him out for breast lifts or augmentation. Turns out that age, smoking, being overweight pre-pregnancy, and large breast size, not to mention pregnancy itself (which increases breast size), are all associated with a greater likelihood of sagging. But, surprisingly, breastfeeding is not. "The bottom line is that breastfeeding doesn't have an impact," Dr. Rinker says.
Here is what she feels is creepy: "They're part of my sexuality, too – not just breasts, but fun bags. And when you have that attitude (and I admit I made no attempt to change it), seeing your teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before feels, well, a little creepy." Like I've said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but this just demoralizes women. We are made to help create life and to nurture that life. The best way to nurture that new life is to feed from your breast milk that is full of antibodies and vitamins that help protect the new life we have created.
Did this lady happen to think about what we're trying to accomplish in other countries? We want to push breastfeeding awareness because there are some countries that do not have the safest water, and giving formula mixed with bad/unsafe water to a baby is not safe at all. Do babies not have a right to the best possible future? And if she couldn't handle a "teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before" than why not pump? Pumping is there to help women who work, go out for a period of time or who have trouble getting their newborn to latch on. Was pumping not an option for this woman?
And her comment on the studies not being enough of a concern for her to want "to stick [her] nipple in a bawling baby's mouth" is unbelievable. I'm helping to lower my risk of breast cancer, but more importantly I am helping to lessen the stomach upsets my baby would get had I fed him formula. By the way, I did do partial formula in the beginning because I wasn't sure about breastfeeding and I wanted him to be full longer. After about a week I began to exclusively breastfeed because the formula was causing a lot of problems. I pumped after the daytime feedings and had enough milk over night that my husband could feed our son so I could also get some sleep.
She continues: "I don't think I'm the only one, either – only 52% of mums still breastfeed after six weeks. Ask most of the quitters why they stopped and you'll hear tales of agonising three-hour feeding sessions and – the drama! – bloody nipples. But I often wonder whether many of these women, like me, just couldn't be fagged or felt like getting tipsy once in a while."
Ok, I'm not sure who has ever had a three hour nursing session before. The most I have had is thirty to forty-five minutes each side, but that was when William was younger than three months. Now, that's not to say someone hasn't gone through a three hour feeding session, but from my experience, a baby doesn't feed for three hours, instead they are suckling after about half an hour, maybe even forty-five minutes. And the bloody nipples can happen, but usually it is caught right away and you can use lanolin and your own breastmilk to heal the cracked skin.
I had to hit up a British dictionary to translate what this woman was saying. When she says "just couldn't be fagged" she is saying she didn't have enough energy or interest to do something. So you're saying that it's easier to get up in the middle of the night, spend the time to make a bottle or warm one up, feed it to your baby and can get them back to sleep right away? When you breastfeed, you have the option of sitting in a chair and breastfeeding, if you feel like getting up and moving in the middle of the night, or laying in the bed and breastfeeding your baby, where both you and the baby will not doubt fall back to sleep. Now, let me remind you not to practice sleeping in the bed with your baby if you are a hard sleeper, taking medications or are overweight. I couldn't sleep for the first week because I was afraid I would crush my baby, but I fell in sync with my baby, learned how to sleep differently and haven't had any problems since he was born, and he is almost seven months.
Who says a breastfeeding mother can't get a little tipsy? Now I'm not for drinking and breastfeeding, but if you feel you want to, you can pump enough to last, drink and then pump and dump until your milk is no longer affected with alcohol. There are strips you can get from Walgreen's that test for alcohol in your milk, but I haven't used them, so I don't know their accuracy. I haven't had a drink since we decided we wanted to have a baby and I don't regret my decision one bit. I'm happy with not drinking, and I can go out with my husband or some friends and have fun without having a drink. Plus, I don't want my son to see me intoxicated and I don't want to be around my son when I am intoxicated. Who knows what could happen.
Hopefully, if you had the chance to breastfeed and didn't, it was because of complications or your milk never came in or you had a low milk supply. Now, it is every woman's choice whether she wants to breastfeed or formula-feed, but knowing what breastfeeding does for a baby's delicate system and knowing what formula does, there is a reason why those of us who can breastfeed choose to do it. I enjoy telling everyone what the benefits are and how it is safer and healthier for a baby, but ultimately it is their decision. I was a formula fed baby because my mother had a hard time breastfeeding and for some reason my brother and I didn't like the taste of her milk. There are some parents who will tell their daughters or daughters-in-law that formula feeding is just as good because they and or their other children turned out just fine and that a baby doesn't really know the difference. A baby can tell the difference if you allow them the chance to find out. I like to encourage new mother's to try breastfeeding if they feel they don't want to do it at all because of lack of support or their own idea about how it's going to impair their life.
Mother & Baby has received scores of letters and emails in praise of the piece. Reader Emma Dwight emailed: "I love your article! Not only does it completely sum up the minds of us formula-feeding mothers, but does it with humour and respect for those breastfeeders too." This was in no way respectful to breastfeeding mothers. Calling breastfeeding creepy, saying that breastfeeding mothers are just too tired to do anything else and can't have a drink because of their choice is not correct. Breastfeeding may not always be easy in the beginning, but it does get easier and I have found that it does not impede on my life in any way, shape or form. It is one of the best things in life I have ever done and my son and I have bonded so greatly because of this. Now, it's not to say formula-fed babies and their mothers don't bond, but there is a special connection between a breastfeeding mother and her baby that just can't be described.
Mother & Baby in no way felt there was a need for an apology. They felt that because this was Blundell's personal experience she had every right to say what she did and that it is an encouragement for all formula feeding families. Though, I do feel those who choose to formula feed do get a bad rap, it is ultimately their decision to make. We do not raise each others kids and there shouldn't really be any reason why they should be shunned for their choice. Some women have no choice but to formula feed, such as those who choose to adopt. Unfortunately, milk banks are expensive and insurance will not cover the expense, so they are left to formula feed. If they can afford it, there is an extra expense to have the birth mother pump her milk so the adoptive child can have breastmilk, but this also can be expensive and unfortunately some children are put up for adoption because the birth mother is on drugs, drinks or smokes and their milk may do more harm than good.
I hope at the end of this, you understand why from this breastfeeding mother's point of view that such an article is unbelievable and should never have been printed the way it was. I was tired in the beginning, like all new mother's are, but I slept when my baby slept and eventually we became accustomed to each other enough that being "fagged" was no longer an issue after some time. I understand the pressure that formula families must feel, but surely there could have been a more appropriate way Kathryn Blundell could have spoken her peace.
I get it, everyone is entitle to their opinion, but when you are the deputy director of a parents magazine, you have to keep some of your opinions to yourself, unlike Kathryn Blundell. Not only has she upset breastfeeding mothers, but even mothers who formula feed feel upset by what she has said.
First of all, breastfeeding is not "creepy" by any means. It is the way mothers choose to feed their babies, some try it for a little while and others will nurse until their nursling self-weens. Breastfeeding and giving baby pumped milk immediately after a mother is finished pumping is the only way for a baby to get all the proper nutrients and the antibodies they need in order to thrive and have an easier time fighting off practically any illness. Breastfed babies have less stomach upsets, ear infections and can digest breastmilk easier than formula.
Second, "I wanted my body back. (And some wine)… I also wanted to give my boobs at least a chance to stay on my chest rather than dangling around my stomach." For those who don't know, when you breastfeed, you can easily return to your pre-pregnancy weight. According to Nutrition Data I burn 3240.0 kcal/day from my daily routine, including breastfeeding. If I weren't breastfeeding, I would only burn 2840 kcal/day with my current lifestyle. By the way, my current lifestyle includes walking 30-60 minutes at least three time a week, using my WiiFit three times a week doing mostly yoga and housework. And about the comment she makes about her boobs, well that is just ridiculous. Pregnancy, poor posture and a bad bra. When you're pregnant, your ligaments and tendons relax and loosen to the point that your boobs will sag on their own.
According to Brian Rinker, MD, an assistant professor of plastic surgery at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, in Lexington, he heard so many patients blame sagging breasts on breastfeeding that, to see if there really is a connection, he surveyed 132 moms who had sought him out for breast lifts or augmentation. Turns out that age, smoking, being overweight pre-pregnancy, and large breast size, not to mention pregnancy itself (which increases breast size), are all associated with a greater likelihood of sagging. But, surprisingly, breastfeeding is not. "The bottom line is that breastfeeding doesn't have an impact," Dr. Rinker says.
Here is what she feels is creepy: "They're part of my sexuality, too – not just breasts, but fun bags. And when you have that attitude (and I admit I made no attempt to change it), seeing your teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before feels, well, a little creepy." Like I've said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but this just demoralizes women. We are made to help create life and to nurture that life. The best way to nurture that new life is to feed from your breast milk that is full of antibodies and vitamins that help protect the new life we have created.
Did this lady happen to think about what we're trying to accomplish in other countries? We want to push breastfeeding awareness because there are some countries that do not have the safest water, and giving formula mixed with bad/unsafe water to a baby is not safe at all. Do babies not have a right to the best possible future? And if she couldn't handle a "teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before" than why not pump? Pumping is there to help women who work, go out for a period of time or who have trouble getting their newborn to latch on. Was pumping not an option for this woman?
And her comment on the studies not being enough of a concern for her to want "to stick [her] nipple in a bawling baby's mouth" is unbelievable. I'm helping to lower my risk of breast cancer, but more importantly I am helping to lessen the stomach upsets my baby would get had I fed him formula. By the way, I did do partial formula in the beginning because I wasn't sure about breastfeeding and I wanted him to be full longer. After about a week I began to exclusively breastfeed because the formula was causing a lot of problems. I pumped after the daytime feedings and had enough milk over night that my husband could feed our son so I could also get some sleep.
She continues: "I don't think I'm the only one, either – only 52% of mums still breastfeed after six weeks. Ask most of the quitters why they stopped and you'll hear tales of agonising three-hour feeding sessions and – the drama! – bloody nipples. But I often wonder whether many of these women, like me, just couldn't be fagged or felt like getting tipsy once in a while."
Ok, I'm not sure who has ever had a three hour nursing session before. The most I have had is thirty to forty-five minutes each side, but that was when William was younger than three months. Now, that's not to say someone hasn't gone through a three hour feeding session, but from my experience, a baby doesn't feed for three hours, instead they are suckling after about half an hour, maybe even forty-five minutes. And the bloody nipples can happen, but usually it is caught right away and you can use lanolin and your own breastmilk to heal the cracked skin.
I had to hit up a British dictionary to translate what this woman was saying. When she says "just couldn't be fagged" she is saying she didn't have enough energy or interest to do something. So you're saying that it's easier to get up in the middle of the night, spend the time to make a bottle or warm one up, feed it to your baby and can get them back to sleep right away? When you breastfeed, you have the option of sitting in a chair and breastfeeding, if you feel like getting up and moving in the middle of the night, or laying in the bed and breastfeeding your baby, where both you and the baby will not doubt fall back to sleep. Now, let me remind you not to practice sleeping in the bed with your baby if you are a hard sleeper, taking medications or are overweight. I couldn't sleep for the first week because I was afraid I would crush my baby, but I fell in sync with my baby, learned how to sleep differently and haven't had any problems since he was born, and he is almost seven months.
Who says a breastfeeding mother can't get a little tipsy? Now I'm not for drinking and breastfeeding, but if you feel you want to, you can pump enough to last, drink and then pump and dump until your milk is no longer affected with alcohol. There are strips you can get from Walgreen's that test for alcohol in your milk, but I haven't used them, so I don't know their accuracy. I haven't had a drink since we decided we wanted to have a baby and I don't regret my decision one bit. I'm happy with not drinking, and I can go out with my husband or some friends and have fun without having a drink. Plus, I don't want my son to see me intoxicated and I don't want to be around my son when I am intoxicated. Who knows what could happen.
Hopefully, if you had the chance to breastfeed and didn't, it was because of complications or your milk never came in or you had a low milk supply. Now, it is every woman's choice whether she wants to breastfeed or formula-feed, but knowing what breastfeeding does for a baby's delicate system and knowing what formula does, there is a reason why those of us who can breastfeed choose to do it. I enjoy telling everyone what the benefits are and how it is safer and healthier for a baby, but ultimately it is their decision. I was a formula fed baby because my mother had a hard time breastfeeding and for some reason my brother and I didn't like the taste of her milk. There are some parents who will tell their daughters or daughters-in-law that formula feeding is just as good because they and or their other children turned out just fine and that a baby doesn't really know the difference. A baby can tell the difference if you allow them the chance to find out. I like to encourage new mother's to try breastfeeding if they feel they don't want to do it at all because of lack of support or their own idea about how it's going to impair their life.
Mother & Baby has received scores of letters and emails in praise of the piece. Reader Emma Dwight emailed: "I love your article! Not only does it completely sum up the minds of us formula-feeding mothers, but does it with humour and respect for those breastfeeders too." This was in no way respectful to breastfeeding mothers. Calling breastfeeding creepy, saying that breastfeeding mothers are just too tired to do anything else and can't have a drink because of their choice is not correct. Breastfeeding may not always be easy in the beginning, but it does get easier and I have found that it does not impede on my life in any way, shape or form. It is one of the best things in life I have ever done and my son and I have bonded so greatly because of this. Now, it's not to say formula-fed babies and their mothers don't bond, but there is a special connection between a breastfeeding mother and her baby that just can't be described.
Mother & Baby in no way felt there was a need for an apology. They felt that because this was Blundell's personal experience she had every right to say what she did and that it is an encouragement for all formula feeding families. Though, I do feel those who choose to formula feed do get a bad rap, it is ultimately their decision to make. We do not raise each others kids and there shouldn't really be any reason why they should be shunned for their choice. Some women have no choice but to formula feed, such as those who choose to adopt. Unfortunately, milk banks are expensive and insurance will not cover the expense, so they are left to formula feed. If they can afford it, there is an extra expense to have the birth mother pump her milk so the adoptive child can have breastmilk, but this also can be expensive and unfortunately some children are put up for adoption because the birth mother is on drugs, drinks or smokes and their milk may do more harm than good.
I hope at the end of this, you understand why from this breastfeeding mother's point of view that such an article is unbelievable and should never have been printed the way it was. I was tired in the beginning, like all new mother's are, but I slept when my baby slept and eventually we became accustomed to each other enough that being "fagged" was no longer an issue after some time. I understand the pressure that formula families must feel, but surely there could have been a more appropriate way Kathryn Blundell could have spoken her peace.
A study on drugs, meds and smoking while breastfeeding
So I am very big about what I ingest - food, drink and meds - and where I am at as a mother who breastfeeds. I try to eat really good, but I do eat fast food when I feel lazy, though I have cut back a lot. I also research heavily or talk to the pharmacist or pediatrician about certain otc pills I'm interested in taking and how they'll affect my milk supply and my son. (On my soap box) One thing I do really hate though, and I say hate because I am really against this, is when I walk into/leave a restaurant or store where there are smokers right outside the door. Ok, I get it. You have a disgusting addiction, but really, do you have to do it close to a door? When I walk into someplace, I don't want to smell your cigarettes. I especially don't want my baby to have to smell them. I have asthma, my brother has asthma, my mother-in-law has asthma. The chances my son will have asthma are pretty high and I try to protect him from as much as I can. I know I can't protect him from everything and he'll grow up getting hurt and I may not always be there, but when it comes to smoking, I do not want my son to inhale that disgusting crap! (Off soap box)
I follow Sixty Second Parent on Facebook and Twitter. I saw a very interesting post about how "Babies Can Receive Drugs and Medicines Though Breast Milk." Did you know women who breastfeed can carry between 2 and 240 nanograms of nicotine per milliliter? Meaning their babies receive a dose equivalent to 0.3 to 36 micrograms/kg/day. These infants tend to suffer more from colic and are more prone to respiratory infections. This post also covers how caffeine and drugs affect a breastfed baby.
My advice is to give up smoking, second hand smoking and any other drugs altogether. Why risk the chance of your baby having any problems? Not only is smoking disgusting, but it doesn't only cause internal damage, like mouth/throat/lung cancer, but it can also age you, change the color of your nails and teeth, plus the breath. My mother was a smoker and drank a lot of coffee throughout her day. Her breath was the most disgusting thing I have ever smelled. And it wasn't just her breath. People who chain smoke and drink coffee all have bad breath. The worst thing she would do is pop a breath mint, because she knew it was bad but thought it would help. Truth is, people who smoke don't even realize how they smell even more. It's like a second skin to them. Why do you want your child to end up with some kind of problem because you chose to do or continue drugs?
I hope there are mother's out there that chose to smoke and still do, have chosen to quit. And the same goes for any kind of drugs. It's not just you anymore and how it makes you look, but it's also how it affects your babies and children. Ok, now I'm really off my soap box.
I follow Sixty Second Parent on Facebook and Twitter. I saw a very interesting post about how "Babies Can Receive Drugs and Medicines Though Breast Milk." Did you know women who breastfeed can carry between 2 and 240 nanograms of nicotine per milliliter? Meaning their babies receive a dose equivalent to 0.3 to 36 micrograms/kg/day. These infants tend to suffer more from colic and are more prone to respiratory infections. This post also covers how caffeine and drugs affect a breastfed baby.
My advice is to give up smoking, second hand smoking and any other drugs altogether. Why risk the chance of your baby having any problems? Not only is smoking disgusting, but it doesn't only cause internal damage, like mouth/throat/lung cancer, but it can also age you, change the color of your nails and teeth, plus the breath. My mother was a smoker and drank a lot of coffee throughout her day. Her breath was the most disgusting thing I have ever smelled. And it wasn't just her breath. People who chain smoke and drink coffee all have bad breath. The worst thing she would do is pop a breath mint, because she knew it was bad but thought it would help. Truth is, people who smoke don't even realize how they smell even more. It's like a second skin to them. Why do you want your child to end up with some kind of problem because you chose to do or continue drugs?
I hope there are mother's out there that chose to smoke and still do, have chosen to quit. And the same goes for any kind of drugs. It's not just you anymore and how it makes you look, but it's also how it affects your babies and children. Ok, now I'm really off my soap box.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Starting solids...
I'm adding all of this information, on my facebook group Breastfeeding Advocates, on when you should start your infant on solids because this question is going around on Circle Of Moms. I'm slightly concerned because of the research I have done when my son was about three months and I thought it was safe to feed him cereal.
Pediatricians still believe a child should start eating some of these foods when they hit four months. However, by doing this you also reduce the amount of milk produced and up to six months you should still be feeding about 7-12 times a day.
Some experts say by 1 or 2 months, when your milk supply is well established, babies will go longer intervals before eating, roughly nursing 7-9 times a day. This information is heavily researched and held as the standard. I believe when you "cue" feed, your baby will feed more than 7-9 times a day, even closer to six months. Sometimes my son will go 3 to 4 hours, other times he will go 1.5 to 2 hours. It all varies from baby to baby.
My main point is, some of the info being passed around on Circle of Moms is, "The pediatrician said it was time" or "My baby is eating so much I think it is time." In this instance, if your baby is nursing so much and you cannot keep up with their feeding demands and the doctor, who is hopefully breastfeeding friendly and an advocate, they will help you decide what is best and continue to guide you in the right direction.
In my personal experience, when you start your baby on foods, you start on cereal or oatmeal. To help your baby get the best nutrition still, mix the grains with breast milk. They will still get what they need as well being fuller longer, but this is only suggested if your baby is in a high demand for food, and I hope my dear friend will add her two-cents/advice on her own experience dealing with this, as her little monkey is the sweetest little garbage disposal I have ever met...
With this said, I strongly recommend waiting to feed your baby anything other than breast milk when they are six months or are showing the recommended milestones. Do not start on solids when they are considered an assisted sitter, as Gerber puts this. I asked many people about their opinions on the whole assisted sitter feeding as I had received lots of coupons from Gerber. Their take, don't buy into what companies want. They only want your money and they will get it however they want. Starting solids too early can cause your baby to develop food allergies. Your baby's intestinal tract is not as fully developed during the first few months and introducing solids at this time can be too much to handle.
Don't judge your baby's milestones by other babies. You know what is best for your baby. Also, do your own research. See what has to be said by the professionals about your infants intestines and stomach. See for yourself what they have to say and make your own informed decision. Don't just go by my words or my experiences. Ask a Pediatrician, a lactation consultant, a La Leche League leader or a nurse from your local WIC office. Ask lots of questions, get informed and this may even help you to know those who are helping you care for your baby even better, to help create a better relationship with them.
Pediatricians still believe a child should start eating some of these foods when they hit four months. However, by doing this you also reduce the amount of milk produced and up to six months you should still be feeding about 7-12 times a day.
Some experts say by 1 or 2 months, when your milk supply is well established, babies will go longer intervals before eating, roughly nursing 7-9 times a day. This information is heavily researched and held as the standard. I believe when you "cue" feed, your baby will feed more than 7-9 times a day, even closer to six months. Sometimes my son will go 3 to 4 hours, other times he will go 1.5 to 2 hours. It all varies from baby to baby.
My main point is, some of the info being passed around on Circle of Moms is, "The pediatrician said it was time" or "My baby is eating so much I think it is time." In this instance, if your baby is nursing so much and you cannot keep up with their feeding demands and the doctor, who is hopefully breastfeeding friendly and an advocate, they will help you decide what is best and continue to guide you in the right direction.
In my personal experience, when you start your baby on foods, you start on cereal or oatmeal. To help your baby get the best nutrition still, mix the grains with breast milk. They will still get what they need as well being fuller longer, but this is only suggested if your baby is in a high demand for food, and I hope my dear friend will add her two-cents/advice on her own experience dealing with this, as her little monkey is the sweetest little garbage disposal I have ever met...
With this said, I strongly recommend waiting to feed your baby anything other than breast milk when they are six months or are showing the recommended milestones. Do not start on solids when they are considered an assisted sitter, as Gerber puts this. I asked many people about their opinions on the whole assisted sitter feeding as I had received lots of coupons from Gerber. Their take, don't buy into what companies want. They only want your money and they will get it however they want. Starting solids too early can cause your baby to develop food allergies. Your baby's intestinal tract is not as fully developed during the first few months and introducing solids at this time can be too much to handle.
Don't judge your baby's milestones by other babies. You know what is best for your baby. Also, do your own research. See what has to be said by the professionals about your infants intestines and stomach. See for yourself what they have to say and make your own informed decision. Don't just go by my words or my experiences. Ask a Pediatrician, a lactation consultant, a La Leche League leader or a nurse from your local WIC office. Ask lots of questions, get informed and this may even help you to know those who are helping you care for your baby even better, to help create a better relationship with them.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It's finally happened to me...
That's right, it's finally happened to me. The painful, horrible feeling that new moms can get and become discouraged from breastfeeding. I suppose it is about that time for most moms. I'm talking about the dry, cracking skin that becomes red and sometimes bleed on the breastfeeding nipples. I suppose this is about the right time. I stopped nursing from one side last night and applied some lanolin. I looked at my nipple this morning and saw there was a lot of cracked skin, and the redness wasn't just redness. It looked like William actually has his four front teeth and bit hard. William is teething, and he's been biting, pulling and scraping. So am I going to give up?
Heck no! Breastfeeding is extremely important to me and William is so attached and I can't see giving up because of a minor setback. So I followed a few simple instructions. I'm still researching to know more of what I can do, but so far, this is what I have found.
If you are a first time breastfeeder and you have seen the cracked skin, you may not even realize what is wrong. You think, "oh, he's been sucking for a while, and that's going to happen." Yes, it can happen, but it can also lead to something even more horrible. If you don't do anything about it, it can become infected. You may not even realize it has become worse until you see a little blood in the baby's diaper or maybe even some pink in your pumped milk. Through all of this, you will definitely feel the pain, even though you think it may be normal, it really isn't, just a common issue among breastfeeders.
It's okay to still nurse or pump even when this happens. Your cracked or bleeding nipples may be relieved by using lanolin or gel pads, a salt-water rinse or even breastmilk (it is a natural antibiotic). The reasons for these causes can be a bad latch or suckle, bad positioning, you may have thrush (white, cheesy patches on the insides of baby's cheeks and lips and the mother's nipples are shiny, reddened, swollen and tender; some mothers complain their nipples itch or even burn), a problem with the breast pump or the baby may have even bit you.
Here are some tips from one of my favorite books: The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins, R.N., M.S. I have the 20th Anniversary, 5th Edition. If you don't already have this book, I would suggest getting it! There is also a new edition, 25th Anniversary, 6th Edition. I believe this edition also comes in Spanish.
I hope this info has been of great help to you and I hope you find relief in your sore nipples. If you hear of any other remedies or know of some, please post them in the comments or post them at the Breastfeeding Advocates group.
Heck no! Breastfeeding is extremely important to me and William is so attached and I can't see giving up because of a minor setback. So I followed a few simple instructions. I'm still researching to know more of what I can do, but so far, this is what I have found.
If you are a first time breastfeeder and you have seen the cracked skin, you may not even realize what is wrong. You think, "oh, he's been sucking for a while, and that's going to happen." Yes, it can happen, but it can also lead to something even more horrible. If you don't do anything about it, it can become infected. You may not even realize it has become worse until you see a little blood in the baby's diaper or maybe even some pink in your pumped milk. Through all of this, you will definitely feel the pain, even though you think it may be normal, it really isn't, just a common issue among breastfeeders.
It's okay to still nurse or pump even when this happens. Your cracked or bleeding nipples may be relieved by using lanolin or gel pads, a salt-water rinse or even breastmilk (it is a natural antibiotic). The reasons for these causes can be a bad latch or suckle, bad positioning, you may have thrush (white, cheesy patches on the insides of baby's cheeks and lips and the mother's nipples are shiny, reddened, swollen and tender; some mothers complain their nipples itch or even burn), a problem with the breast pump or the baby may have even bit you.
Here are some tips from one of my favorite books: The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins, R.N., M.S. I have the 20th Anniversary, 5th Edition. If you don't already have this book, I would suggest getting it! There is also a new edition, 25th Anniversary, 6th Edition. I believe this edition also comes in Spanish.
If you are unable to tolerate the pain and there are no Lactation Consultants available, you may want to stop nursing; pump your milk with a fully automatic electric pump (anything other may not be enough to maintain your milk supply) for 24 to 72 hours, or until the nipples heal.
Here are some General Comfort Measures:
Take Tylenol or a script from your doctor a half hour before nursing
If there is one, nurse on the less sore side
Avoid nipple shields
Massage your breasts while nursing to encourage the milk to flow and to speed emptying
Restrict nursing to about ten to fifteen minutes per side if you are sore during the entire feeding
Release the baby's suction hold carefully before removing the baby from the breast
Air-dry the nipples after each feeding.
Change nursing pads, don't use the ones lined with plastic, after each nursing and when they become wet
Wear cotton or microfiber bras to allow for adequate air circulation
Avoid excessive washing of your nipples. You can rinse them in your daily bath/shower, but avoid getting soap on them
Do wash your hands before handling your breasts
Leave scabs and blisters alone
Do not delay nursings. Shorter, more frequent nursings (every hour to three hours) are easier on the nipples
If using a pump use it at least eight times a day to keep up your supply
If thrush is not the problem, and none of these treatments are working, examine your nipple for a slight reddening and a burning feeling; this may indicate nipple dermatitis. This can result from bacterial growth on the nipples or an allergic response to a nipple cream, oil, or to laundry detergents.If you do suspect nipple dermatitis, you should consult a doctor.
The ideal doctor is a dermatologist. You may try your obstetrician, but if he or she is reluctant or their remedy is ineffective, see a dermatologist.I did ask another breastfeeding mom, who is also a holistic mom, if she has heard of anything that might be helpful. She has heard of moms using tea bags and cabbage leaves.
I hope this info has been of great help to you and I hope you find relief in your sore nipples. If you hear of any other remedies or know of some, please post them in the comments or post them at the Breastfeeding Advocates group.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Breastfeeding Tops I Recommend
So before I get to the main topic of my blog, I wanted to talk about Motherhood Maternity. Specifically their breastfeeding headquarters. They ave partnered with March of Dimes to talk about how important breastfeeding is. Here is some information that I find very important that all breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be should know.
Alright, so on to the point of this blog. Breastfeeding tops I recommend. If you are not shy, and will be breastfeeding without a cover, as I often do, I recommend these tops: Spaghetti Strap Lift Up Double Opening Nursing Cami, Spaghetti Strap Lift Up Double Opening Nursing Cami,I Love Mom polo nursing shirt,BlissfulBabes Bell Sleeve Nursing Tunic, Nursing Camisole, Nursing T-Shirt in Blue and Plum, Flutter-sleeve nursing top, Wrap front nursing top, Crossover short sleeved nursing top, Pleated squareneck nursing top, New crossover long sleeved nursing top, Long Sleeve Pull Over Double Opening Nursing Top, 3/4 Sleeve Pull Down Double Opening Nursing Shirt.
These are just a few and I think you get the idea. I believe out of all I have chosen, there are only 2 I chose that you pull down. This is because I have one that you pull down and I didn't think about how the neck would get stretched out. That kind of disappoints me as I really liked it and it was my first nursing shirt I ever bought. I will tell you I love wearing my nursing tanks, and there are so many of them. I usually wear them under a large button up shirt or a baby doll shirt that I can easily put my sun under. Now mind you, I am not a shy person and I don't mind if I pull down my shirt and people see my boob. My son is already feeding and won't see any more than that. If you follow me on facebook, you will see that I have pulled down a tube-top dress and begin to feed my child in public. What I do I do for the health of my child. I do sometimes wear a cover. There are places when you feel you must, like in a busy mall. If there is a place that is very crowded, I won't make a scene, unless there is a reason to do such, like a nurse-in, but otherwise I will cover. I am not afraid for people to see what I do, but there are times I will feel like covering.
I hope this information has helped you. These shirts are only my recommendations and there are so many out there. Some woman like to pull on their collars, but I don't like to wear out my shirts. Especially since I plan to nurse for two years, I want my nursing clothes to last a long time.
Tell hospital staff you want to breastfeed to avoid your baby getting formula or a pacifierNow that we have talked about this, you should also know about your rights as a breastfeeding mother. There are so many to list, so here is a link to one of the greatest websites I know! National Conference of State Legislatures This was updated in March 2010, so these are as recent as can be.
Find a pediatrician that supports breastfeeding.
Talk to your doctor and the pediatrician about meds you are taking
Get in touch with someone from the La Leche League or a Lactation Consultant to ask for advice.
Ask your hospital, OB/GYN or WIC rep about breastfeeding classes
Ask to see a LC while in the hospital
Ask that your newborn room with you so you can feed him or her
Read about breastfeeding. Knowledge is key!
Get comfortable clothes and clothes that help you to breastfeed.
Alright, so on to the point of this blog. Breastfeeding tops I recommend. If you are not shy, and will be breastfeeding without a cover, as I often do, I recommend these tops: Spaghetti Strap Lift Up Double Opening Nursing Cami, Spaghetti Strap Lift Up Double Opening Nursing Cami,I Love Mom polo nursing shirt,BlissfulBabes Bell Sleeve Nursing Tunic, Nursing Camisole, Nursing T-Shirt in Blue and Plum, Flutter-sleeve nursing top, Wrap front nursing top, Crossover short sleeved nursing top, Pleated squareneck nursing top, New crossover long sleeved nursing top, Long Sleeve Pull Over Double Opening Nursing Top, 3/4 Sleeve Pull Down Double Opening Nursing Shirt.
These are just a few and I think you get the idea. I believe out of all I have chosen, there are only 2 I chose that you pull down. This is because I have one that you pull down and I didn't think about how the neck would get stretched out. That kind of disappoints me as I really liked it and it was my first nursing shirt I ever bought. I will tell you I love wearing my nursing tanks, and there are so many of them. I usually wear them under a large button up shirt or a baby doll shirt that I can easily put my sun under. Now mind you, I am not a shy person and I don't mind if I pull down my shirt and people see my boob. My son is already feeding and won't see any more than that. If you follow me on facebook, you will see that I have pulled down a tube-top dress and begin to feed my child in public. What I do I do for the health of my child. I do sometimes wear a cover. There are places when you feel you must, like in a busy mall. If there is a place that is very crowded, I won't make a scene, unless there is a reason to do such, like a nurse-in, but otherwise I will cover. I am not afraid for people to see what I do, but there are times I will feel like covering.
I hope this information has helped you. These shirts are only my recommendations and there are so many out there. Some woman like to pull on their collars, but I don't like to wear out my shirts. Especially since I plan to nurse for two years, I want my nursing clothes to last a long time.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Stupid Thrush
I am really tired of thrush!!! Will's tongue has gone from one lession to an entire breakout. I'm feeling worse and I'm not sure what to do about it. I now have family planning Medicaid, which won't cover a checkup on the infection, so I'll have to p-o-p and we can't afford that. William's 'scripts do not seem to be working and the acidophilus isn't helping me any. Does this get worse before it gets better?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Old news, but interesting comments
So how many new Victoria's Secret sold nursing bras at one point? I had no clue, unfortunately between then and now there probably wouldn't even be a chance for me to purchase one. I only found this information on La Leche League Mother-to-Mother Forums page. This information was posted back in December 2007.
I had told you that I had received a comment from a battle buddy of mine. A friend I served with when we were in Germany had left a comment after I posted the above video. Here is what she had to say:
And I said I would do some research and find out more about this shop and their politics on breastfeeding. This is from ABC News about the incident:
I have to wonder...why do people feel the need to be so rude? Especially when it comes to the health of our babies. I get it, Victoria's Secret sells items that create the female form in a sexual manner; but as you saw the beginning of this post, Victoria's Secret did sell nursing bras at one time. So how do the workers at this store get away with doing such a horrible thing? Especially when one of their most famous models happens to be a nursing mother as well. Here are few sites that talk about Heidi Klum and her breastfeeding:
So what does Victoria's Secret say about this? In the Summer of 2006, there were nationwide protests due to two mothers in separate incidents from Massachusetts and Wisconsin told to go to the bathroom to feed their babies. The company responded by stating they have a policy allowing women to nurse their babies in their stores. A Victoria's Secret spokesperson apologized for the incidents that occurred and said the employees had behaved inappropriately.
Though time has passed since then, the laws have become even more beneficial for breastfeeding women. If it weren't for the perverts that could be lurking around any corner when I'm in public, I would pull the girls out and happily feed without the use of a cover.
It's amazing how women in other countries, mostly third-world, can pull out their breasts and feed their babies in public without a problem. The people in these countries do not view the female form as strictly sexual, but as a beautiful form that gives birth to the future and can nourish that future with the best possible food they can receive.
What are your thoughts?
Unfortunately, our nursing bra collection has been discontinued but we do still have several styles and sizes available. These items can not be ordered on our website as they are no longer featured. To order the bras, please call customer service at 1-800-475-1935 and we will be happy to assist you. The item numbers can be found below:
Piped Full Coverage Nursing Bra: 223-080
Lace Trim Nursing Bra: 223-057
All Over Lace Nursing Bra: 223-074
Nursing Plunge Bra: 223-065
Leopard Nursing Bra: 223-076
Lace Trim Nursing Cami : 223-059
If we can help you further, please reply to this e-mail or call anytime.
I had told you that I had received a comment from a battle buddy of mine. A friend I served with when we were in Germany had left a comment after I posted the above video. Here is what she had to say:
"Victoria Secret ran off a woman while she sat on the bench outside their store and breast fed her baby in North Charleston SC a couple years ago. They told her their products are not for breast feeding mothers and further more their products were not made for mothers at all!! She sued them and won a substantial amount of money, I don't shop their anymore."
And I said I would do some research and find out more about this shop and their politics on breastfeeding. This is from ABC News about the incident:
By ADRIENNE MAND LEWIN'Lactivists' and Lawmakers Push to Allow Public Nursing
Dec. 20, 2005
It was one of those moments new moms dread. While Lori Rueger was shopping with her infant daughter, the baby "pitched a fit" -- she needed to be fed.
"When I started heading back to the car, I saw there was a Victoria's Secret," Rueger said. "Being a past customer of Victoria's Secret, I knew they had really nice dressing rooms. [I thought:] 'I'll see if they let me use it and buy something for their trouble and be on my way.'"
Instead, she said, she was told that breast-feeding in the store was against company policy and was advised to go to a nearby bathroom, which she told the employee she would not do. "I just kind of looked at her and said, 'I wouldn't eat in there. Would you?'"
I have to wonder...why do people feel the need to be so rude? Especially when it comes to the health of our babies. I get it, Victoria's Secret sells items that create the female form in a sexual manner; but as you saw the beginning of this post, Victoria's Secret did sell nursing bras at one time. So how do the workers at this store get away with doing such a horrible thing? Especially when one of their most famous models happens to be a nursing mother as well. Here are few sites that talk about Heidi Klum and her breastfeeding:
Mom Heidi Klum is in fine formThough some of the reasons she states why she breastfeeds isn't what we would all expect, but it's enough that the store should back her one hundred percent. Especially since Victoria's Secret is a big advocate for breast cancer awareness and research has stated breastfeeding can reduce the chances of getting breast cancer.
Heidi's Secret
Heidi Klum becomes mom
So what does Victoria's Secret say about this? In the Summer of 2006, there were nationwide protests due to two mothers in separate incidents from Massachusetts and Wisconsin told to go to the bathroom to feed their babies. The company responded by stating they have a policy allowing women to nurse their babies in their stores. A Victoria's Secret spokesperson apologized for the incidents that occurred and said the employees had behaved inappropriately.
Though time has passed since then, the laws have become even more beneficial for breastfeeding women. If it weren't for the perverts that could be lurking around any corner when I'm in public, I would pull the girls out and happily feed without the use of a cover.
It's amazing how women in other countries, mostly third-world, can pull out their breasts and feed their babies in public without a problem. The people in these countries do not view the female form as strictly sexual, but as a beautiful form that gives birth to the future and can nourish that future with the best possible food they can receive.
What are your thoughts?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Next blog...research on a certain store that says their products are not made for mothers
I got an interesting comment from a battle buddy about a certain lingerie store discriminating against a #breastfeeding mom. Going to research more and see how this well known company feels about #bfing. #bfcafe
Saturday, March 20, 2010
My hero
Than there are those who don't do such jobs but do something just as extraordinary in a different facet. These are people who may work in government offices, for the YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, shelters for needy people, such as displaced families, and most importantly volunteers.
This hero is a woman who has dome something extraordinary for today's women. She stood up for women in New Jersey by requesting the Mayor to proclaim August “Breastfeeding Awareness Month” according to NJ.com.
She is Roselle Park Councilwoman Larissa Chen-Hoerning. She is serving her term as Third Ward Councilwoman. With a Bachelor's Degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Master's Degree from Yale University, Larissa works part-time as a therapist with autistic children, is a member of various family-oriented organizations, the founder of her local ICAN and DiaperFreeBaby chapters, is co-leader of the Northern NJ Babywearing group, and does independent consultations as well.
Pictured here is Larissa with her six-week-old-son attending a meeting debating an ordinance regulating overnight truck parking on borough streets. What you don't see is Larissa breastfeeding her son while the meeting is in order. “I want to help women say ‘Someone else is out there breastfeeding, and maybe it’s OK to do,’” [Larissa] said last week, according to NJ.com. [Larissa] said that she doesn’t think the act of nursing her baby, discreetly shielded from view by the desk in front of her, should be stigmatized as dirty or shameful.
According to La Leche League International spokeswoman Loretta McCallister, she has never heard of an elected official like Larissa breastfeeding her baby while conducting official business at a public meeting.
This is a huge step for breastfeeding mothers. I have read comments where people disagree with this or felt it was wrong for her to do while she was working. Do we not eat while we are at work? Are snacks not passed around during a meeting to help keep people from being bored and leaving early? Sometimes parents bring their toddlers to meetings and feed them there. How is this any different?
Unfortunately, society views public breastfeeding to be stigmatic. No one has any right to tell a mother where, when and how she should feed her baby. Not to mention the article is getting hammered by people who don't understand the importance of what she is doing. It's not about bringing a baby to show off or say "look at me." This is about standing up for all women. This is about doing what is best for her child. This is someone who is advocating on behalf of all women saying that it is alright to care for your child's needs in public. People do it for their children everyday, what is so different if a woman breastfeeds her child?
I look forward to the day when we can bring our children with us everywhere we go. I look forward to the day when society will no longer view us as sexual creatures but as the women they will fall in love with, marry, have children and watch their wives breastfeed their children, openly in the public. Times have come so far, yet people pretend to be so modest as society finds its way around every little subject.
I hope the next time you see a breastfeeding mother you can go up to her and tell her thank you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Time to educate more people about breastfeeding...
Well, I knew I would eventually come by it. Someone was bound to post about it or even create a blog about it, but I shouldn't be surprised to see a fan page created about how some people are disgusted by those of us that breastfeed in public.
Seriously, do you really think we should breastfeed in a public restroom? Have you seen how nasty a public restroom is? People who say such things must not have a problem using public restrooms without a seat cover. It is the same thing. And where should we sit; on a toilet, the floor or should we just stand for 15-30 minutes?
I won't call these people ignorant, because not all who believe this may be ignorant. Some people still view breasts in a sexual nature, and by all means, if they feel they want to, it is all within their rights to do so...as it is within our rights to breastfeed wherever we want to.
I'm excited that a fan page was created to help educate those on breastfeeding. And I think that is what the world needs. We learn in school, as young as the 4th grade (that's how young we were when we first learned, now I believe they do this in the 3rd grade), all about the birds and the bees and where babies come from. We even learn that a baby is fed from their mother's breasts.
Did you know there are laws that protect us from those who feel a baby should publicly starve? Maybe this is a harsh way for me to be putting it. People who find it unacceptable or offensive aren't saying we should starve our babies, only that we should do it in complete seclusion. Here is a link on information regarding each state, updated as of March 2010: National Conference of State Legislatures. For Mississippi alone, the state I live in, here is some information: "Mississippi requires licensed child care facilities to provide breastfeeding mothers with a sanitary place that is not a toilet stall to breastfeed their children or express milk, to provide a refrigerator to store expressed milk, to train staff in the safe and proper storage and handling of human milk, and to display breastfeeding promotion information to the clients of the facility." I find this interesting since I was told by my lactation consultant daycare or childcare centers won't store breastmilk.
Here is more information:
Miss. Code Ann. § 13-5-23 (2006) provides that breastfeeding mothers may be excused from serving as jurors. (SB 2419)
Miss. Code Ann. § 17-25-7/9 (2006) prohibits any ordinance restricting a woman's right to breastfeed and provides that a mother may breastfeed her child in any location she is otherwise authorized to be. (SB 2419)
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-31 (2006) requires licensed child care facilities to provide breastfeeding mothers with a sanitary place that is not a toilet stall to breastfeed their children or express milk, to provide a refrigerator to store expressed milk, to train staff in the safe and proper storage and handling of human milk, and to display breastfeeding promotion information to the clients of the facility.
Miss. Code Ann. Ch. 1 § 71-1-55 (2006) prohibits against discrimination towards breastfeeding mothers who use lawful break time to express milk.
Miss. Code Ann. § 97-29-31 and § 97-35-7et seq. (2006) specifies that a woman breastfeeding may not be considered an act of indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, or disturbance of the public space.
These laws are also followed by many other states as well. And for my friends in Washington State:
Wash. Rev. Code § 9A.88.010 (2001) states that the act of breastfeeding or expressing breast milk is not indecent exposure. (HB 1590)
Wash. Rev. Code § 43.70.640 (2001) allows any employer, governmental and private, to use the designation of "infant-friendly" on its promotional materials if the employer follows certain requirements. (2001 Wash. Laws, Chap. 88)
Wash. Rev. Code § 49.60.30(g) (2009) provides that it is the right of a mother to breastfeed her child in any place of public resort, accommodations, assemblage or amusement. (2009 Wash. Laws, Chap. 164, HB 1596)
Wash. Rev. Code § 49.60.215 the law states that it is an unfair practice for any person to discriminate against a mother breastfeeding her child in any place of public resort, accommodations, assemblage or amusement.
Here is something I would like to part with you from my fellow bloggers at If Breastfeeding Offends You...
So if you feel the need to discriminate against breastfeeding mothers, keep this in mind: we are protected.
Seriously, do you really think we should breastfeed in a public restroom? Have you seen how nasty a public restroom is? People who say such things must not have a problem using public restrooms without a seat cover. It is the same thing. And where should we sit; on a toilet, the floor or should we just stand for 15-30 minutes?
I won't call these people ignorant, because not all who believe this may be ignorant. Some people still view breasts in a sexual nature, and by all means, if they feel they want to, it is all within their rights to do so...as it is within our rights to breastfeed wherever we want to.
I'm excited that a fan page was created to help educate those on breastfeeding. And I think that is what the world needs. We learn in school, as young as the 4th grade (that's how young we were when we first learned, now I believe they do this in the 3rd grade), all about the birds and the bees and where babies come from. We even learn that a baby is fed from their mother's breasts.
Did you know there are laws that protect us from those who feel a baby should publicly starve? Maybe this is a harsh way for me to be putting it. People who find it unacceptable or offensive aren't saying we should starve our babies, only that we should do it in complete seclusion. Here is a link on information regarding each state, updated as of March 2010: National Conference of State Legislatures. For Mississippi alone, the state I live in, here is some information: "Mississippi requires licensed child care facilities to provide breastfeeding mothers with a sanitary place that is not a toilet stall to breastfeed their children or express milk, to provide a refrigerator to store expressed milk, to train staff in the safe and proper storage and handling of human milk, and to display breastfeeding promotion information to the clients of the facility." I find this interesting since I was told by my lactation consultant daycare or childcare centers won't store breastmilk.
Here is more information:
Miss. Code Ann. § 13-5-23 (2006) provides that breastfeeding mothers may be excused from serving as jurors. (SB 2419)
Miss. Code Ann. § 17-25-7/9 (2006) prohibits any ordinance restricting a woman's right to breastfeed and provides that a mother may breastfeed her child in any location she is otherwise authorized to be. (SB 2419)
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-31 (2006) requires licensed child care facilities to provide breastfeeding mothers with a sanitary place that is not a toilet stall to breastfeed their children or express milk, to provide a refrigerator to store expressed milk, to train staff in the safe and proper storage and handling of human milk, and to display breastfeeding promotion information to the clients of the facility.
Miss. Code Ann. Ch. 1 § 71-1-55 (2006) prohibits against discrimination towards breastfeeding mothers who use lawful break time to express milk.
Miss. Code Ann. § 97-29-31 and § 97-35-7et seq. (2006) specifies that a woman breastfeeding may not be considered an act of indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, or disturbance of the public space.
These laws are also followed by many other states as well. And for my friends in Washington State:
Wash. Rev. Code § 9A.88.010 (2001) states that the act of breastfeeding or expressing breast milk is not indecent exposure. (HB 1590)
Wash. Rev. Code § 43.70.640 (2001) allows any employer, governmental and private, to use the designation of "infant-friendly" on its promotional materials if the employer follows certain requirements. (2001 Wash. Laws, Chap. 88)
Wash. Rev. Code § 49.60.30(g) (2009) provides that it is the right of a mother to breastfeed her child in any place of public resort, accommodations, assemblage or amusement. (2009 Wash. Laws, Chap. 164, HB 1596)
Wash. Rev. Code § 49.60.215 the law states that it is an unfair practice for any person to discriminate against a mother breastfeeding her child in any place of public resort, accommodations, assemblage or amusement.
Here is something I would like to part with you from my fellow bloggers at If Breastfeeding Offends You...
So if you feel the need to discriminate against breastfeeding mothers, keep this in mind: we are protected.
10 facts on breastfeeding from WHO
Wanted to share with everyone this great information I found. I don't follow it 100%, but the majority of it I do. There is a lot of great info here and I enjoy the information the WHO puts out.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ugh!!! Okay, so I finally found a blog app that would work on Facebook and link this blog. Only problem was I had to verify by putting their widget on my page...oh well. A small price to pay, I suppose. So now I am using Networked Blogs. This is actually really great and it's working perfectly. I wanted my blogs to be read on my facebook page without readers having to click and be sent here, but I at least got it to work for the most part. Eventually I'll find one that will work, I suppose.
Blog It
Ok, I downloaded Blog It, or I should say added the application, to my facebook. I can't get the Rss/Blog thing to work right, so hopefully I can get this to work right. Let's see how this works...
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Breastfeeding Guide -- Breastfeeding -- WhatToExpect.com
The Breastfeeding Guide -- Breastfeeding -- WhatToExpect.com
Posted using ShareThis
I thought this would be something great to share with those who have questions. I love these books and their website is fantastic. I love looking to them for any help I may need, and you can always ask their experts questions...
Posted using ShareThis
I thought this would be something great to share with those who have questions. I love these books and their website is fantastic. I love looking to them for any help I may need, and you can always ask their experts questions...
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