Friday, January 14, 2011

Breastmilk and the TSA

I've been advocating a lot lately on The Leaky B@@b. I'm loving the fact I can help so many moms with any potential problems or answer any questions that I am able to.

 So one interesting question did come up what are the rules and regulations as far as traveling with your breast milk? Now years ago, especially when I was a child, such a question may have been seen as silly. Now, it's almost absurd to even know that such a question has to even be asked. Really? Why should it even be a problem or bother for TSA? I understand with national security in mind, some people may think the bags of great liquid nutrition could possibly pose a danger. Well, maybe if you're a conspiracy theorist a think everything white is potentially hazardous, but come on people. Really?

 So with the question in mind I decided to start researching. Really, how hard could it be? Well, without the proper keywords you get several results, but none of them current. Finally, I found the right information

 At,  there is some great information on how to travel with your bags of pumped milk. Did you know that breastmilk is treated with the same respect and security as liquid medications? This must have been changed rather recently since the latest stink TSA made over a mom who had recently traveled. She almost missed her flight because security wouldn't let her board with the one thing that makes a baby's tummy happy.

Next, did you know when going through security you will NOT be asked to test or taste your breastmilk? Can someone fill me in here, please? Was someone asked at one point to do this? How horrible is that? "oh, I don't believe that is what you say it is. I'm going to need you to taste it. It's standard procedure. You understand." However, be forewarned. Ifyou have more than 3oz in a bag/bottle, TSA will ask you to open the container and they will test your milk, thus making it unsanitary for your baby. This is to make sure that anything over 3oz isn't a potential danger.

"You are encouraged to travel with only as much formula, breast milk, or juice in your carry-on needed to reach your destination." So what happens in the event you are taking fenugreek or eat extra oatmeal or what have you? What's considered "only as much [as] needed to reach your destination?" Unfortunately, I'm unable to find any legit sites that make mention of traveling with a pump. By legit, I mean anything other than a blog.

So when traveling and pumping, refer to TSA's website on the matter, and remember: Anything over 3oz hag the possibility of being checked.

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