Monday, December 12, 2011

It's been too long...

Well, it's been so long since I've last updated this thing. What have I been up to...oh yes, I recently had baby number two, I started cloth diapering, I finished the semester, I'm taking a break from school for a little bit, I'm becoming crafty...I'm sure there is something I am forgetting.

Cloth is taking over my life! DH bought me a sewing machine for Christmas and I can't wait until it gets here! I have so many ideas in my head that I think I will explode! Hubby is glad though, it's keeping me happy and busy. Plus, I'm finding ways for us to save loads of money!

I'm successfully breastfeeding baby number two...oh, by the way we had another boy! Little Boy has decided he wants to nurse again. Not only am I nursing a newborn that has decided he is going to get an early start on his gymnastics, I'm also nursing a toddler that enjoys his gymnastics while tandem! How insane is that!

My birth was pretty easy. I wanted natural and was on my way there, but I was given pitocin and survived it for four hours. It became to unbearable and I wanted my epidural. I kept going back and forth, but for some reason I wasn't dilating fast enough. It had nothing to do with the scar tissue from last time. Maybe Baby Boy wasn't really ready, even though my water broke at seven in the morning...and on a Wednesday no less. Hubby tried to contain his enthusiasm as he texted "shit" to his boss, whose wife had baby number three two week earlier. Hubby works for a newspaper and it goes to press, needs to go to press, by Wednesday night. I laughed when DH told me the hospital staff gave him the dirtiest look as he brought a crate of work with him. It was hilarious especially since the crate is pink. Told hubby to bring my school work to the hospital. I was determined to get some work done. That didn't really pan out.

Baby Boy will be seven weeks soon. Little Boy just turned two. Hubby thinks I'm crazy because I'm already planning baby number 3, but we won't be pregnant, at least don't plan to be pregnant, until Baby Boy has already turned two. Little Boy will be four, almost five, when baby number 3 arrives. Hopefully being past thirty won't cause us too many fertility problems...especially since it took us nearly three years just to get pregnant with Little Boy.

DH and I are going to lose weight together. Part of our whole turning green is becoming more sustainable. That means eating more at home and making healthier choices for all of us. I've already lost the baby weight and plan on running soon. Actually, that was supposed to start yesterday now that I think about it, but sleep has escaped me and I don't have the energy.

Especially since my energy is focused elsewhere. I went to a Cloth Diapering 101 class through Starkville Natural Parenting. Since a friend of mine couldn't make it, I told her I would take notes. Well I took video instead. I'm finally getting around to editing the video. Yah, that's proving to be more work than I expected. I think I need to find an external mouse or put the video and software on DH's computer. Doing this on a laptop is killing me!

I told Laura, the SNP member who conducted the class, that I took video and was putting it together for a friend who couldn't make it and asked her if she wanted a copy for her website or SNP's website. Yah, now I've become a perfectionist. I told her it would be ready by the end of this week. So I've given myself a timeline and need to get it done. Which means I have started over twice. I am about to start over a third time. The software I d/l can't rotate video, and since PCs don't really like iPhone videos, I had to use Windows Movie Maker. DH came up with a brilliant idea, right as I saved the movie and it is still converting an hour later. Didn't think about rotating the video in WMM, making it and then putting it in the other software! I'm so angry with myself.

That's ok though. Day three of working on this should prove good. I know what I want it to look like and I know what I need to do now. It'll be looking pretty good by the end of the week, I hope. It better! I'm an amateur at video editing, but that doesn't mean it can't look good as far as amateur work goes. And the software I d/l is pretty good, so I'm hopeful.

Well, I suppose that is it for now. I am hoping to be more active here in the future. Planning on blogging every week. I have so much I like to talk about and so much going on right now!

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